55 Main Street,2nd block, New York

Mod-friday, 09am -05pm

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+296 358 700 88

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We’re 100% Trusted Agency

Bridging the Gap in Your IT Solutions

25+ Years Of Experience In Consulting Services
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Infinite IT Services Unlocking Limitless Possibilities for Your Business Artificial Intelligence Company That Excels Problem Solutions

Feel free to reach out to us through contact information provided below, and one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your interest in Finland.
Windstripe Themes

Information Management System

At Tech Genius Solution we understand that business has unique IT needs offer a comprehensive

Windstripe Themes

Multifunctional Technology

IT solutions designed streamline operations, enhance productivity, ensure the security infrastructure.

IT Services Designed

We Provide the Most Responsive and functional IT design

IT Management Solutions

IT Management Solutions

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Product Control Services

Product Control Services

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Quality Control Systems

Quality Control Systems

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Why Get Our Services

We Provide Quality IT Solutions For your Business

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Service We Provide

Explore IT Service to Grow Business

AI Base Business Solution

AI Base Business Solution

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Chatbot with Real meeting

Chatbot with Real meeting

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Automate Data Saving

Automate Data Saving

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Robotic Automation


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Team Member

We Have More Then 55+ Experience Team Member

At Tech Genius Solution we understand that business has unique IT needs offer a comprehensive

Mark D. Brock
Mark D. BrockCEO & Founder
Victor S. Hanson
Victor S. HansonSenior Manager
Carl R. Downing
Carl R. DowningJunior Consultant
Donald D. Head
Donald D. HeadMarketing Manager
Freddie L. Nixon
Freddie L. NixonMarketing Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions

Accelerate innovation with world-class tech teams We match you to an entire remote team.

Excellence Solution

We Make It Easy to Track All Users Analytics

Windstripe Themes

Automated Reports

At Tech Genius Solution we understand that business has unique IT needs offer a comprehensive

Windstripe Themes

Realtime analytics

At Tech Genius Solution we understand that business has unique IT needs offer a comprehensive

Windstripe Themes

Individual user analytics

At Tech Genius Solution we understand that business has unique IT needs offer a comprehensive

Clients Testimonials

The Heart Warming Testimonies of Excellence

Pricing Package

Flexible Pricing Plans For IT Solutions


Basic Plan

At Tech Genius Solution understand business has unique needs

$18 /per month

  • UUnlimited Project
  • Power And Predictive Dialing
  • Quality & Customer Experience
  • Try for free, forever!
  • 24/7 phone and email support

Standard Plan

At Tech Genius Solution understand business has unique needs

$49 /per month

  • UUnlimited Project
  • Power And Predictive Dialing
  • Quality & Customer Experience
  • Try for free, forever!
  • 24/7 phone and email support

Premium Plan

At Tech Genius Solution understand business has unique needs

$98 /per month

  • UUnlimited Project
  • Power And Predictive Dialing
  • Quality & Customer Experience
  • Try for free, forever!
  • 24/7 phone and email support
Trusted Partner
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Consulting Agency


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Main Street, Melbourne, Australia


Email Address

+000 (123) 456 88

Make A Call

Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Opening Hours: